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What are the conditions to start a GovTech innovation project, program or initiative?

by Silverio Zebral Filho, Head of Academic Affairs (OAS - School of Governance) - Head of Government Innovation Unit (OAS InGovLab) | 10.12.2022

Anthony Rivas

To start a GovTech innovation project, program, or initiative, the following conditions must be met:

1. There must be a clear need for the project, program, or initiative, as identified through research and consultation with relevant stakeholders.

2. The project must have a defined scope and set of objectives that align with the overall goals and priorities of the government.

3. A budget must be secured to fund the project, program, or initiative, and a clear plan for how the funding will be used must be developed.

4. There must be a team in place to lead and manage the project, program, or initiative, including individuals with the necessary expertise and experience.

5. Any necessary approvals or permissions must be obtained before starting the project, program, or initiative, including any necessary regulatory or legal approvals.

6. A plan for evaluating the success of the project, program, or initiative must be developed and implemented. This may include metrics for measuring progress and impact, as well as processes for collecting and analyzing data.