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Public Procurement
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Why should people care about public procurement?

Gisela Montes | GLASS | 02.09.2023

It seems that public procurement isn't exactly a popular topic among the general public. People tend to be more interested in the latest trends in the metaverse or how cryptocurrencies work. But despite its lack of glamor, public procurement plays a major role in the government's operations and has a far-reaching impact on society and the economy.

So, what exactly is public procurement? It's simply the process by which the government buys goods and services. It involves figuring out what they need, setting up specifications, inviting bids or proposals, evaluating offers, and awarding contracts. The process follows strict rules to ensure transparency, fairness, and competition.

Here are a few reasons why people should care more about public procurement:

  1. Impact on the economy 💰 Public procurement accounts for a significant portion of the public spent, and the decisions made in the procurement process can have a significant impact on local businesses and the economy as a whole. As the largest buyer in the world, it is easy for them to determine the course of action in the local and global economy.

  2. Quality of public services ⚙️ The products and services procured by the government directly affect the quality of public services, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. By caring about public procurement, people can ensure that governments are purchasing high-quality goods and services that benefit society.

  3. Transparency and accountability 🗳️ Public procurement must be conducted in a transparent and accountable manner to ensure that taxpayers dollars are being spent wisely and in the best interest of the people. By paying attention to public procurement, people can hold the government accountable for its spending and ensure that procurement processes are fair and ethical.

  4. Promoting innovation 🚀 It can also play a crucial role in promoting innovation by providing opportunities for companies to develop and market new and innovative products and services. By caring about public procurement, people can help drive innovation and support the development of new and improved products and services.

In conclusion, public procurement is a critical aspect of government operations that has a far-reaching impact on society, the economy, and the quality of life for the people. By paying attention to public procurement, people can ensure that the government is making wise spending decisions, promoting innovation, and providing high-quality public services.
